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I have known Kayde now for 6 years.  She works at the barn where I board.  I’ve had two “problematic” horses…..rough play, always getting hurt, you name it.  Kayde has been a godsend in helping me manage my horses.  Whether it is a dealing with antibiotics, an injection, clipping, riding, body work, you name it, Kayde does it all.  She has a wonderful way about her, quiet and soft.  She has an intuitive sense and the horses and I trust her completely.


I highly recommend Kayde for your horse’s equine body work.  Kayde has a great feel for what may be bothering your horse and the training to get to the root of the problem.  With her lifelong experience with horses she has a natural instinct and  intuition on helping your horse feel the best it can be.  Her dedication and professionalism make her a delight to work with and the horses relax in her presence. 


Kayde Undraitis is an excellent and capable equine massage therapist, I highly recommend her for any and all of your equine massage needs! My horse Ned absolutely loves receiving massages from her and I notice a difference every time she works on him. I utilize Kayde's skills a lot during the competition season to keep my horse feeling and performing at his best and I use her in the off-season as well to keep him in peak condition. Kayde is patient and tolerant with sensitive horses and I have seen some very tense horses benefit immensely from her care. She meets the horse where they are and works carefully to gain their trust while she works. You will definitely see results!

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